A native of Eurasia and Africa, fenugreek is a legume. Its seeds and leaves are equally valuable, and the plant itself is consumed as a vegetable. It has been used for thousands of years in traditional and Chinese medicines to soothe many ailments.
The combination of Rooibos and fenugreek provide weight loss and breastmilk production benefits and can soothe menstrual and menopause-related ailments.
Important note:
Important note: Fenugreek can reduce most metabolic symptoms connected to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in people by lowering blood sugar levels and enhancing glucose tolerance. Please consult your healthcare practitioner if you are using diabetes or blood sugar-lowering medication.
Product Application:
- Pour boiling water into a cup, add one bag of tea and let it steep for 2 – 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 – 5 minutes.
- Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar
- Can be enjoyed cold, especially on a hot summer’s day. However, ensure that you keep the tea in the fridge for no longer than 48 hours
- Not recommended for children younger than (2) years. If consumed in moderation, fenugreek tea is perfectly healthy for kids. However, giving kids high doses is not recommended.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women need to consult their healthcare practitioner before drinking Rooibos & Fenugreek tea
Important note: Fenugreek can reduce most metabolic symptoms connected to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in people by lowering blood sugar levels and enhancing glucose tolerance. Please consult your healthcare practitioner if you are using diabetes or blood sugar-lowering medication.
Key active ingredients:
- Rooibos
- Fenugreek
- Promotes weight loss by suppressing the appetite and increasing feelings of fullness.
- Can boost a breastfeeding woman’s milk production.
- Can aid in ringing naturally inducing childbirth: At or after the forty-week mark, taking excessive dosages of fenugreek will cause the uterus to start contracting.
- Aids in the reduction of menstrual discomfort by enabling more comfortable menstrual release.
- Helps reduce blood cholesterol.
- Lowers heart disease risk by boosting the heart’s antioxidant levels and strengthening the heart’s tissues.
- Counters heartburn/acid reflux: Fenugreek contains mucilage, which coats the gut and stomach and calms irritable gastrointestinal tissue.
- Helps those with diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels and enhancing glucose tolerance.
- Boosts testosterone and libido in men.
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